We got so used to our trip routine in the US that ever since we crossed the border to Canada the day before yesterday, it feels totally different. Kind of vacation. Guess we became really spoiled with the campgrounds infrastructure and convenience of the US that we feel like we're having a hard time in Canada. No electricity and water in most of the Canadian campgrounds which means no internet access, less showers but... no less fun.
So far it's been so hot, 35-39C and the prettier part of Canada is still ahead of us. We've traveled kilometers (finally it's not miles) and we're still on our way to Glacier National Park. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get there. We're cooling down in lakes we see on the way

We have a new "porch", it's the awning we installed lately. It gives shade and completes the rv 'look'.

Relaxing in the shade

Adi and Aviv participating in the most gross and disgusting roasted marshmallow contest

We plan to back in the US within a week and then we'll be connected to the world more frequently again.
היי ילדים, עכשיו אני מבין..... פינקתם אותי באינפורמציה כמעט כל יום, ופתאום - שקט. יום ועוד יום וכו'. אז עכשיו ברור. והעיקר... אני שמח שהגעתם לאזור האגמים של קנדה. אזור מדהים בעיני, ולפי מה שכתבתי לך, דגן, יש כמה היילייטס. אני בטוח שתמצאו אותם.
אנחנו נוסעים היום לחני, ביקור תנחומים. אביה נפטר. בענין אחר, היום זיו מסיימת את הגן ומתחילה ההתארגנות לקראת כיתה א'. כולם כמובן נרגשים.... (-:
זהו כרגע. אגב, אתם לא מסמנים את המסלול על המפה ועל הגלובוס (זה אותו הדבר?). זה לא תקין
נשיקות לכולם.
אבא, סבא
If you pass Edmonton, Canada, on your way so please give Melissa the biggest hug ever from Anniken :-)
Raining in POA - so enjoy the warm summer!!
Gosh, we are sharing the same weather conditions.....:-)Instead of lakes and forrest we look at hugh appartment buildings and a thick humid air (looks foggy).Canada is one of our destinations for the future too, beautiful nature, a pity that the campgrounds are less fancy than in the US, I never realised that. The shady part on the RV looks very comfortable, you`re really well equiped!! Looks like you`re very experienced RV travellers. Do you only stay for a few days in Canada or do you return after mailing in the US? You`re only for 2 months on the road and it looks like it is already for a long time, you`ve experienced so many nice things!
Hughs from Shanghai, Augusta
מישה, המפה מעודכנת שוב. הפסקנו לסמן את קו המסלול ועברנו לציון מקומות הלינה מפאת מגבלות גוגל.
Cathrine - we're close to Edmonton (in Canadian terms) but we're not passing there.
Augusta - Happy to read that you like China so far. Will write you later.
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