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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving day with the Lawrences

We arrived to the Lawrences last night (we planned to see them only today morning but we just couldn't wait). It took few minutes for the kids (6 all together) to play together and forget that we even exist.

We woke up early this morning, went waiting to Paul - our representative-runner in the "10K Turkey Trot" finish line.
We went home to have branch and start the preparations for Thanksgiving dinner. Paul and Maureen arranged for us a 15 pound turkey. let's see if it will be enough...
After putting the bird in the oven we went to see their new house (a palace will be better definition). We will have to come again when it will be ready!
and from there - to the Christmas tree show

on the way back home we couldn't ignore the line (or maybe campground is the right definition) next to Best Buy, getting ready to the 4am opening on black Friday. They are there since Wednesday!!!!
about thanksgiving dinner - later on.


Storbrua said...

Do you ever have a normal boring day????
Love from POA 35 degrees :-)

Dafi said...

No boring is our normal(-:

Augusta en Hedzer en kids said...

Hi guys, Your news house? Good choice!