We're in Canada again and our phone doesn't work here. Also Nuve, the GPS doesn't work so we feel a little lost sometimes...
We drove yesterday to Toronto to meet Tracey (Aviv's grade 2 teacher) and Vito (the other grade 2 teacher). We don't like big cities with the rv but here we found a good parking spot. We hopped on the subway heading downtown Toronto, where Tracey, Daisy (Tracey's dog) and Vito were waiting for us. We haven't seen T for 3 years and V for more than a year so we had a lot of catching up to do.

We strolled through the streets of the city to the harbor on Lake Ontario, where we stopped for a drink. Then we visited Tracey's friend until it was late.

We took the bike on the subway to go to a bike ride in the park, along Humber river

where the kids also played in a little

Adi and a Canadian goose

Later on we went back to Paula and Frank's, where Aviv showed T and V pictures of kids that they had taught in Porto Alegre.

Paula and Frank are so nice and kind people. They invited us for dinner and later on suggested that we park for the night in their driveway instead of driving to the campground. Frank cooked the yummiest sausages and steaks!

Frank is a real handy man and helped Dagan fixing the roof rack afetr it was torn out by a branch the night before.

When it got darker and chillier we sat by this cool campfire in the garden. We were roasting marshmallows, drinking Grappa and having a lot of fun. It's amazing how many great unplanned experiences we're having in this trip! Thanks Vito, Tracey, Paula and Frank for an unforgettable day!