As many of you dear readers already know, Dagan has complicated relationships with espresso machines. Those of you who visited us in Brazil, got a chance to hear about the famous Saeco machine, who spent more time in the repair shop than working for Dagan. Whenever friends visited us they would ask me in whisper (not to upset Dagan) how's the machine doing today. It was more important than the kids health(-:
a long time ago, when we just started planning this trip, one of the first things D googled was - espresso machine + rv. Not too many results came up. After arriving here, he made a thorough research and decided to buy another Saeco (WHY???) on-line and send it to wait for him at Cathy's. When we arrived there, Jim and D planned and built the perfect compartment for the big fancy machine. Jim sweated on that project more than in Wii Fit training(-:

D plugged it in, the machine made a lot of noise and....tadaaa - nada. Something's wrong with the machine. It was too complicated to repair it without us having a fixed address here. We returned the machine back few days later and got our money back.
Dagan started googling again but salvation came from his dear brother who suggested to buy another type of machine (Nespresso c100+aeroccino) that is also smaller and actually fits in our small kitchen.

Within another Google search we found out where we can buy this machine in the area and yesterday we went to the mall in Buffalo to get it. When we wanted to leave the mall the car wouldn't start! We tried several times but the engine was completely dead. We called the insurance and scheduled towing for the next morning. We had to inform the mall's security officer that we're going to spend the night in the parking lot.
In the morning the phone rang at 7:00 to let us know that the assistance is on its way. We dragged ourselves out of bed. Dagan tried the starter one last time and this time it worked! The car was alive again!
That was the right time to try the new espresso machine. I think you can tell by the pictures what Dagan thinks about the outcome...

mmm... satisfaction!!!!
We also saw the Niagara Falls today, but who cares...
באתרים שמכבדים את עצמם, ניתן לככב פוסטים טובים.
אם הייתי יכול, הייתי נותן את כל הכוכבים שלי לפוסט הזה.
רק בשביל השורה שסוגרת אותו.
ומעבר לזה - אחי - ברכות על המכונה.
בעזרת השם, תוכל להזמין לקראוון שלך אמריקאים טובים באמצע הדרך וללמד אותם מהו טעמו של קפה טוב ומהי הטקסטורה של חלב מוקצף.
So the conclusion is??? Saeco is a great brand !!
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