From Illinois we continued to Wisconsin. The weather is still nice but it seems like the rest of the week will be rainy. Don't we love winter... We drove along Lake Michigan shore until we camped in a beautiful state park (Kohler Andrae) by the lake dunes. We visited the nature center where we saw something amazing - a petrified lightning that was found in the sands. A lightning penetrated the ground and melted the sand to glass. They dug the lightning off the ground in one piece and it's displayed now in the nature center. It's about 1 meter long and has the exact shape of a lightning. I can't believe we didn't take a picture of it... We took a walk in the dunes along the beach. The sand formation from a glacier is also an interesting story, this time we have a picture: The lake is huge and so blue, it's hard to believe it's only a lake and not an ocean. We had to taste the water to believe it's fresh. We saw some small yet beautiful wildlife Today we continue north to see some more of Wisconsin. Jackie - you're in our minds!
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