Refuge Pageau
In our 'hunt' for the northern lights we stayed north in Quebec, even though it's getting colder all the time. In the small town Amos we visited Refuge Pageau. Mr. Pageau is a special man who saves wild animals that were hurt in nature and then, if possible, returns them to their natural environment. Meanwhile he's taking care of them according to their needs in his refuge. We went on a guided tour to see the animals. It was very very cold but not so rainy.
We saw 2 cubs, 4 months old.
Then Dagan had a casual conversation with a baby moose 'Leon'
Aviv also had a word with him
They also have a livestock - hens, rabbits, goats, etc.

They grow mice to feed the owls. They were fun to play with

But most of all we liked the moose!
By the way, according to the northern light forecast, they were active last night. We made a long way to see it but... unfortunately the weather was so rainy and cloudy that it was impossible to see anything! Well, at least the kids saw some snow this morning!
We're done with the aurora boreal adventure and we're heading south to Montreal today. It weill take us few days to get there. On the way we will have to be lucky to find a place to stay, now that we're off season.
WOW!!!! We were starting to wonder what happened to you but it looks like you've been having a fantastic time! Absolutely gorgeous sorry the weather wasn't cooperating for you to see the aurora borealis. :-( We will all have to gather in Norway one winter - sound good?
Sounds VERY good! As long as I don't have to join you skiing
Happy New Year to you guys!
BEAUTIFUL! What an astonishing colors, wonderful nature! But cold, guys...brave of you after all the sun, the sudden cold step. What a pity you did not see the aurora borealis, it must be a spectacular thing to watch! All the colors of the changing nice...
Now you`ve been to the most nothern part of your trip, you`re heading for the most south?
We saw an amazing documentary about the Everglades the other day, wild life, crocs, alligators, birds....wonderful! Wow guys, you`re visiting some of the finest places on earth!!!!
We are signing up for the Norway trip!
Beijos Augusta
Dear Dagan, dafi, Aviv and Adi,
Happy New Year. I just read that Pesach is coming up in the first month... is that correct?
What a beautiful scenery ... beautiful earth. And all of you started to look more and more relaxed!!! Especially when Dagan and Aviv are talking with a moose. I will forward your website to my Canadian family ... to tell them how much you enjoy their country.
Love to all, have a great day ...
GREAT - welcome to Norway! I've seen the nordic light several times, it's beautiful, but you can never predict when it comes. Suddenly it comes on cold and clear nights!I envy you all that fresh air and beautiful colours you experience, but I have two newborn princesses I can visit every day :-))
הייי כולם,
נפלא לראות את כל החוויות שלכם. רק עכשיו ראיתי את הימים האחרונים. הייתי עסוק מאוד עם אירגון ראש השנה בקיבוץ והיה מוצלח מאוד. חוץ מזה היום אנחנו מתחילים את סידרת הקונצרטים של תזמורת הקיבוצים שאני משתתף בה. ואתמול פתחו את בית אורי המשופץ, והיתה הופעה מרשימה של שלישיית גן שמואל אחרי 37 שנים. היתה התרגשות גדולה (בעיקר אצל אלה שזוכרים מאז). בקיצור... יש מה לעשות. עכשיו - אני מתחיל לחשוב ולהתארגן לארה"ב.
זהו בינתיים, נשיקות ולהתראות
אבא, סבא
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