After one sunny day it started raining in NC. The good news - it's very warm here and we can do a lot in the breaks in between rains so we like it. We also like the challenge of deciphering the southern drawl(-:
The kids cuddling up on a rainy day

We took a 2.5 hour ferry ride from Ocracoke to Cedar Island. We found out that Nuvi, our GPS navigator has vocabulary we never heard it saying before, like "board ferry ahead"

It was so cool having our house on board. We played games, read and had lunch while the ferry was struggling the stormy weather outside.

We fell in love with NC beaches. Each time the rain stops we take the opportunity to visit another beach.

It's Friday night and the house smells of challah that just came out of the oven. Shabat Shalom!
Hi Guys, you`re the first ones being positive during a rainy day! I love your enthusiastic approach:-) It sure looks nice out there, but a bit of sun would make it wonderful......
Beijos, Augusta
Gus, last time we've been to the beach on a rainy day was with you guys. Whale watching in Praia do Rosa, lembra disso? Wasn't less fun(-:
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