Dagan woke up extra early today to watch the sunrise

We drove south to Georgia, crossing many bridges and marsh lands.

When we arrived to Georgia we stopped in Savannah, another historic city. We strolled along the streets and came across an old synagogue from 1733. As we entered we met Niel. When he heard we were Israelis he gave us a tour inside the synagogue and the small museum upstairs. The interior and exterior look a lot like a church actually, built in a Gothic style. It was originally built as a synagogue though.

In the museum there's a Spanish Torah scroll from the 14 hundreds and many other interesting exhibits

We learned that there are 4,000 Jews in Savannah, most of them arrived from England before the revolutionary war. There are 3 synagogues in Savannah and the one we visited is reform. We thanked Niel and for lunch he recommended on a certain pizza place in the market.

In the market, waiting for "Vinnie Van Gogo's" pizza to open. We also saw lots of art galleries in the market area. There's a big art and design college in Savannah.

The pizza was excellent!!!

We saw some more of the city until it became too dark and cold. This is the city hall

As for the results of last night experiment - the temperature never dropped below zero and the water never froze. BUT, we do know that squirrels prefer sweet water!! This is what we found in the morning...

Hello friend
That pizza looks sooooo good! I guess I should go eat my breakfast. :-) It looks cold...shouldn't the weather be getting warmer as you head south?
Weed's pizza is still #1 for us! And it is cold here!
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