What a place - Las Vegas! Everything that is forbidden elsewhere in very much allowed here. Drinking alcohol in the streets (no paper bags to hide beer bottles), riding your motorbike without helmet, gambling and probably much more that we're not even aware of

We had to do some gambling, just for the record. It's not our thing. Surprisingly we lost all the $3 we invested. Aviv is dissapointed for not being allowed near the slot machines.

We've stayed in a nice hotel, in a room that is 4 times bigger than the rv and enjoyed the TV, took many many showers and rested.

In between we strolled along the strip, the main casino and hotels street that winds along Venice, Paris, Sahara and more

Some celebrities insisted on taking a picture with us. What a nuisance...

The mornings are fairly quiet and calm. It's the night when the city comes to life and the casinos are filled with minimally well dressed ladies. They attract so much attention, we hardly noticed any men.

Last picture sent with love to the Kingma family:
YESS, great picture!!!! HIS palace:-) Vegas is fun, I hope we will ever visit it again. Not to gamble just to look around and enjoy all the show.
Back to your cozy rv space! Bet you will miss it after the trip!Where are you heading next?
Enjoy your last days.......!!!!!!
Have fun and drive safe, Beijos Augusta
We missed you at Graceland last weekend!! They had an RV park and everything. :-) We tried to have a good time anyway. Are you heading straight back to SF or stopping in Yosemite or Kings Canyon on the way? I can't believe it's almost over - seems like we just met you in San Fran!!
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