We spent most of the day yesterday in
McDonald (not the restaurant, to Adi's big disappointment) Observatory, which is part of Texas university. The observatory is located on a mountain in a remote area so that there's no light to disturb the star gazing.

We joined the day program and heard an explanation about the sun, including solar viewing. We saw real time image of the sun and succeeded to see a pretty big flare! Then we visited the big telescopes they have on site. The biggest one they have has a 270cm (diameter) mirror and the other one we saw was 208cm.

A crack in the wall that opens to the sky

In the afternoon we joined the twilight program where we learned how to use a planisphere

and then we went outside to practice. It was already very cold

At night they have a star party. Everyone gathers at the amphitheater to hear an explanation about the sky tonight

Enlarge the picture below to see Orion constellation

After that there were 6 different telescopes to view different constellations, stars, the moon, Andromeda galaxy and a nebula.

If you're ever in that part of Texas, it is highly recommended to visit. All the staff were nice astronomy nuts that manage to transfer their enthusiasm to the audience. We learned a lot and definitely will be looking more at the stars from now on!
Happy New Year to all of you! I'm finally back to a computer after 2 weeks :-( and I cannot wait to start reading about your last adventures!! Miss you, Cathrine
happy 2009 to you too! We missed you...
Very very good to catch up on your blog - we've missed you over our vacation and holiday!!! We are so envious of the trip you are taking and reading about all the cool places you've been to and are going to.....sigh. One day. We got back from Big Sky, Montana and our week of skiing (with a day trip to Yellowstone) - Jack was our snow charm once again so we had fresh snow every day. He graduated three levels in ski school in one week and won second place in a ski race (photos on facebook). So - we are home, Jim left for Louisiana today, and I am exhausted. We miss you and Happy New Year!!!!
It was so quiet here. Glad you're all back. Jack looks like a pro and I love the moose! I'm freezing in New Mexico.
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