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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Grand Canyon in Winter

For the last 2 weeks we've been following the temperatures in the grand canyon and trying to plan a visit strategy that will allow us to see this wonder. With -10C at night it was impossible for us to sleep in any place near the canyon. So the plan was to sleep in Sedona, a quaint little town 2-3 hours south of the canyon, wake up early in the morning and spend the day in the canyon. The plan worked perfectly well! Yesterday we arrived to Sedona in the afternoon. As the sun went down the mountains and sculptured rocks around the town turned even more red than usual.

Early in the morning we started heading up to the canyon, with the kids still in bed. As we went up in elevation, we saw more and more snow until it was all covered in white. For us, Israelis, it's always a special sight. This is where we stopped for breakfast after the kids woke up.
As we entered the Grand Canyon National Park the sun came out and we saw this lovely mule dear.
It was beautiful to see the canyon with the contrast between the dry, arid desert and the fresh snow all over.
The dramatic views and huge proportions of the canyon make it a spectacular place. We walked along the south rim on a paved trail that was covered with ice so we had to watch our step all the time.

Carved buttes and the geological layers with the Colorado river running at the bottom of the canyon. Of course in real life it's much much more impressive

The grand canyon is more about view than wildlife and yet we saw some bluebirds and a woodpecker.
We first planned to see the skywalk too, but apparently it's far away from the south rim, partly on dirt road that's not suitable for rv's. It's owned by an indian tribe that lives there and they charge 80$ per person, they limit the visit to 15 minutes and they don't allow photography. We'll leave something for next time(-: We went to the i-max theater to watch a movie about the canyon instead...


Unknown said...

Wow - the pictures are just gorgeous! Sedona will always be special for Jim and me....it's where he first told me he loved me. :-) The canyon is impressive (snow and all) even in pictures. Jim and I biked around the East Rim a looooong time ago - just amazing. Good on you for not going on the walkway - it's an eyesore to the natural beauty surrounding it! Commercialism at it's worst. We wish we had only -10C today....we had -30C this morning.

Dafi said...

Sedona IS a very romantic place(-:
keep warm.

Unknown said...

Hi Americans,
what a beautiful state, what a beautiful park, what a beautiful white snow, what a beautiful birds and deer and wow how beautiful told and framed. Must be a special family walking around there!!

Love Mathil

Augusta en Hedzer en kids said...

HI, what a spectacular view in the snow, when we were there is was more than hot, but beautiful sunsets.... It was Caesar`s first trip outside Europe!!!!(he was 14 mts, so cute playing at the stairs of the RV , no idea he was at one of the most beautiful places on earth:-))I remember Sedona also as a romatic and beautiful place! Jim has a good taste!Brings back good memories to see your pictures!
You know from Shanghai is a direct flight into California, so maybe, maybe, if we stay here long enough, you never know where holidays might take us:-) Although it looks wonderful, -10 is not attractive enough for us, we will wait until warmer times:-)
BEijos, Augusta