Our trip map...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

White Sands and missiles everywhere

Until now we're fighting the loads of sand that got into the car, the clothes, shoes, hair and everywhere. It all happened in the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico.
But before that we must show you the crazy missile park that we visited yesterday at the missile test area museum. We entered a military base to see the museum. This sign got us a bit worried but everything was ok eventually(-:

and now... to the sand dunes...
We got plastic discs to sled on the sands. Originally it's used for snow. The sand is made of a mineral named gypsum.

That was in stills. In motion pictures - it looks something like that..

We also went on an afternoon stroll in the dunes with ranger Johnny. This Yucca soaptree grows inside the dune. It has a long stem that goes all the way down to the bottom of the dune. The dunes are moving all the time due to wind. They move 1-1.5m a year. Within few years the Yucca plant will be left out of the dune, just as it was before the dune covered it. Because the Yucca is so tall by then, it breaks down and dies.
On the way back we saw an oryx
The nights here are extremely cold (ok, in Israeli terms). Tonight it even snowed! We are managing ok but our water system needs some time to start up in the morning.


Unknown said...

Wow - that looks like a blast!! I would go sledding if it was only that cold! You would slowly freeze to death here Dafi....as I do every winter.

Dafi said...

Anything is better than a war...(-:

Augusta en Hedzer en kids said...

Hi guys, Happy New YEAR, thanks for your birthday wishes, gained one more year:-)It is amazing that you found snow! It even snowed here in Holland. In Limburg they even had -18 degrees, poor Mathil.... Ha ha we had beans and rice at Mathil1s house, it was great. And so good to meet them all again! Yhe missiles are crazy, I jnow the boys would love to see them.......
Bye enjoy, and again the best wishes for the coming year!!!!
Beijos Augusta