Our trip map...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hwy 1

Hwy 1 is always spectacular and breathtaking. At Morro Bay, we camped in the same campground as our very first night of the trip in July, when we met Stacey. We liked climbing the rocks in the playground

and the small botanical garden near by
After 2 relaxing days we continued on hwy 1 until we saw this:
Hundreds of elephant seals lying on the beach! As we got closer we could see (and smell) the moms and babies. They keep covering themselves with sand to protect from the sun. They're very noisy - they scream, burp, snarl and sneeze while sand is blowing out of their mouth.
The elephant seals come here every year to have their babies and mate. They will leave in March and come back next January. The males (bulls) have a funny snout
They fight among themselves on territory. They fight so hard that they bleed and have many scars on their necks.

Some more pictures from the way


Storbrua said...

Looks like you miss some states on the "we are here.....map"!! Why don't you just continue the trip? The next round will be much smaller you know :-)

Dafi said...

We keep saying that too!

Augusta en Hedzer en kids said...

Beautiful pictures, brings back good memories!
Enjoy your last kilometers......
Beijos, Augusta