Two days ago we got back to where we started our journey. It feels like we only left yesterday. We started taking all of our stuff out of the rv yesterday and haven't finished yet. We still don't know how everything will fit into our bags. It's actually like moving out of an apartment. We also cleaned everything inside and took some pictures to put on ads. We're only missing a buyer(-:
נורא עצוב לי לראות את זה.
סליחה אם אני יותר מדי סנטימנטאלי אבל......
גאה בכם על המבצע הנפלא והבלתי נשכח.
עוד נדבר בזה וודאי עוד נביט יחד בתמונות.
אוהב אותכם ומתגעגע.
להתראות בקרוב
אבא, סבא
So sad you are selling the rv now and even more sad that no one will buy...
Enjoying your blog and can see that you just went through my old place Monterrey (Pacific Grove):-)
Dafi, thanks for the comment on my space - so impressed w your language skills!
Looking forward to hear whats next on your agenda. We are off to BA tomorrow: Bye to BA and test flight w the girls!
I am sure that you will find a buyer soon, but if you just continue back this way (going through Lake Tahoe naturally) and park it in Iowa until it sells? April is sometimes very nice here, just ask Cathrine and T-I!! :-) We will miss this blog almost as much as miss you!
Hi guys, so you are really ending this adventurous trip???? I still can`t believe it......we will miss you travelling around, we will miss your blog, we will miss the possiblity of peeking into your lives:-) But I can imagine that you like some privacy.......some relief of all those jealous expats that follow your every move, and are impatient if you skip a day of `reporting` your where abouts.....
Maybe, just maybe, just very very maybe, you guys will start missing us:-)
Just follow your heart, you`re good at it ;-), we will follow too....... Beijos and good luck in the selling process! Augusta
Where do you live now? With friends or in hotel? When do you leave US? Has Dagan got a job yet in Israel?
I'm "sure" there are plenty of jobs in POA if you change your're mind - what about teaching in PAS?? Or cooking in Kleber?
Can you read between the lines that we miss you down here??
so sad... What now? Where now?
I'm already planning my cross-USA RV trip.
Now... back home.
Aviv told me the happy news!!! Parabens!
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