Dafi: It's something very special that we always wanted to do and I'm glad we found the opportunity to do it. No words can describe how wonderful it was.
Q: How was the trip comparing to your expectations?
Dafi: I knew it was going to be good and it was even better!
Q: What will you miss after settling in a real non-mobile home?
Dafi: I'll miss waking up every morning to a different scenery. Staring out the window while still in bed and enjoy the sights. To be able to open the door to nature.
Q: Where will you visit again, where will you not?
Dafi: I would like to go to Algonquin park again (Canada) in summer time, take a canoe and go deep into the park for a week, sleeping in the rustic campgrounds. I could skip Nebraska...
Q: Did you learn anything new about yourself and/or your family?
Dafi: I thought that after spending so much time together with my family I would go crazy but now I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over.
Q: Would you recommend this kind of trip to others?
Dafi: Hurry up! Life is short.
Q: What is the next dream?
Dafi: A year in a nice villa in Tuscany.
Q: What photo represents the trip for you?
Dafi: One picture is hard. I choose my dear ones hiking in a Canadian forest in fall colors.

יקרים שלי. אם אתם שואלים אותי על התמונה היפה ביותר.... הרי אלה שתי התמונות בראש הבלוג. משמאל הקרואן ומימין אתם.
אין תמונה שמתארת בתמצים את הסקרנות והצפיה של לפני הנסיעה ויחד עם זה הבטחון שאתם תעשו את זה. ללא סימני שאלה.
נשיקות לכולכם, מגיע לכם
03:35 28.02.09 נתב"ג מחכה לכם
I like your interviews. Very interesting to read the four different versions!
And I can only agree with everybody else: We will miss your blog!
There's Nebraska! I knew you could do it. :-) What an increible journey you all have had and we're so happy you were able to stop and see us along the way. We treasure your stay with us and hope that it deterred you in no way from inviting us to your Italian villa when you're in Italy!
Hi Guys, Great all your interviews, I love your views on your super special trip!Also the pictures you choose, all together it represents you very well!
You gave yourself the most beautiful gift there is, a spectaculair family time!
BEijos, Augusta
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