For our Yosemite 'grand finale' we decided to hike 11km to the upper
yosemite falls, the tallest waterfall in the US, about 740m high.

We started climbing early in the morning and on the first stop Aviv suddenly whispered: "a cat! a cat!" And there it was - a bobcat very close to us in the woods, seeking a breakfast hunt.

As the trail winded up we saw the beautiful valley below us and it became more and more difficult to breath. The kids didn't share this shortage of oxygen issue and ran up the trail ahead of us.

After about
an hour and a half walk, we reached to the lower level of the falls. The water is falling on a snow bed and continues to the lower falls.

The trail became steeper and narrower with bigger snow patches

We saw another friend along the way - an
ermine, which is actually a weasel in a white wintery coat. The cutest creature ever!

Getting rid of some layers...

The valley below

Steep cliffs all around us

Almost there...

And we made it to the top in 4 hours, according to the schedule. We had lunch, enjoyed the view and the accomplishment and started going down

The way down took us another 3 hours and here we are, all exhausted with shaking knees back in the trail head.

Needless to say, the next day we (the adults) weren't able to move. 3 days later, we're still recuperating. The night before we were concerned if the kids will be able to make the streneous trail and eventaully we were the ones to worry about(-:
This is a picture that should have been included in the previous post and somehow was left out

We're staying with our dear cousins in Mountain View at the moment, a warm and cozy home after some freezing cold night in the Yosemite.
HI guys,
Awesome trip! Great to `meet` the wild!!! You impress us with your courage and perseverence:-) How about persperation Dafi???? Needed a deostick this time:-) You`re the most amazing `cool` family we`ve ever met, what an astonishing views, pictures and stories you wrote the last 8 months, you should think about publishing a book about your trip!!!I am sure you will have a huge group of readers! Dafi, isn`t it a nice thing to do next to your store? The`y are connected to each other!
Big hugs from us
I must admit I sweated a lot!!!-dafi.
I believe you did Dafi - you both look exhauseted while the kids look like "it was soooo much fun we could do it again!". :-) LOVE the red arrow on the picture!
p.s. I love that Aviv is wearing her Macchu Picchu shirt at the top of Yosemite Falls. :-) What a climber!
Hi bloggers,
everybody fine in your countries?
great world!
Love Mathil
verything is great Mathil.
Sending our love back to the Netherlands.
Can't wait to take you hiking in day :-)
All of you!!
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