We've been to Yosemite NP two and a half years ago in July and it was a completely different experience. We followed the weather forecast and planned our visit to a 5 days window between 2 storms, so we had a nice sunny weather. The nights though, were very very cold. The only campground that is open this time of year is Upper Pines in the valley. This is the entrance to the park, coming from El Portal:

El Capitan:

Yosemite valley:

On our first day we walked around Mirror Lake, a 9.6Km round trip. Most of the trail was flat and covered with snow and ice.

Mirror lake was half frozen and half not

The kids had to collect one bag of trash as part of their junior ranger program

On the next day, we went to see the lower yosemite falls.

Waiting for the shuttle...

Half dome

At the visitor center, the kids completed their junior ranger program and received a badge and a patch (for the last time in this trip).

A jay on the way

After having lunch in the sun, we joined Ranger Dean for a walk. He explained about the trees of the park. Since we were the only ones to attend the walk, it was a private one

We spent 2 more days at the park but since it's getting late and since we don't want this blog to ever end up, we will write about them on another day.
I thought you lost the connection:-) It took forever before the last part was blogged......
We`ve never been to Yosemite, it looks beautiful, I am sure we will visit it some day. You must almost be overloaded with so many wonderful experiences!!!
Before I forget to tell you, we expect that the blog is continuing form Israel, isn`t it? We want to know everything of your lives up there too!!! How`s your business pregressing Dafi?
Beijos, Augusta
Beijos, Augusta
Jim and I don't want the blog to end either!!1 We are so sad that your trip is ending and sooooo wish that we could see you one more time in Tahoe. Yosemite is beautiful - you got so lucky with the weather too!!! I think Augusta is right - you should continue from Israel. ;-)
It is not luck Cathy, it is "weather management". We are checking the weather forecast twice a day and we are changing our route constantly.
And regarding continuing bloging from Israel... maybe we will. It is great way to stay close to you guys while so far away.
I am shocked!!!I didn't know you guys were still travelling. I missed a lot, but will try to see everything and details on this blog. It is anbeliavle what are you doing. i wish to do too some day. Filipe, Camila and Lucas will love to see this. Beijos e saudade.
It was me on the latest comment, Silmara
Oi Sil,
Welcome aboard on the last minute(-:
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