Our trip map...

Monday, August 18, 2008

road schooling

Some of the educational highlights from the last days...
We made pizza for cooking class:
1/2 kg flour
1/4 cup olive oil
3 spoons sugar
1 spoon dry yeast
1 tsp. salt
3/4-1 cup of warm water
Knead all ingredients and let dough rise for 1 hour. Knead again and put in baking pan.
Add toppings and bake for 30min.

Our last P.E. attraction is badminton, or as the kids call it - "birdie" (Stacey, was it you?)
For sports we also hiked 8Km uphill this morning, in Glacier park. I will write a different post about it.
Other school activities are the regular boring math, reading, writing, science etc...

1 comment:

Storbrua said...

Now the kids can work in the kitchen in your boutique hotel :-)